On May 14, 2024, LLC hosted “The Art of Repair: Harmony and Dissonance,” the closing session of our five-part Mending Series. The session offered an opportunity to engage with art as a way of soul-mending through a conversation with Mizan Alkebulan-Abakah, MPH, and Sizwe Andrews-Abakah, the co-creators of Spearitwurx.

Our discussion further explored conflict and how it can be mended through the lens of art. Mizan and Sizwe shared their experiences of navigating the space between dissonance and harmony while also exploring innovative art as a way to move through conflict. The conversation aimed to provide a new perspective on conflict by discussing, viewing, and listening to art.

Meet Our Speakers

Mizan and Sizwe are both artists and the co-creators of Spearitwurx. This Oakland-based organization inspires Intergenerational Wellness and Racial Healing through cultural arts, community events, strategic consulting, and transformative educational experiences.

  • Mizan is also a certified Healing Centered Engagement Trainer with Flourish Agenda and has a master’s degree in public health. She is an experiential and Installation artist and has exhibited work throughout California. She is the artist and curator of the Experience Sankofa Project Living Museum.  As a certified Therapeutic Yoga instructor by Niroga, Mizan incorporates creative expression and dynamic mindfulness into her work for social transformation. See more of Mizan’s art here
  • Sizwe is an educator, radical healer, and mentor who has worked throughout the Bay Area.  As Co-Founder and Director of Cultural Engagement at Spearitwurx, he approaches the work with passion and insight. Sizwe believes that connectedness is our currency and that building authentic intimacy is key to our relationships. The practice of being vulnerable with each other can help us get to a place of transformation and liberation. Sizwe utilizes his skills as a performer to build awareness and connection and open doors to self-mastery. Sizwe, also known as Spear of the Nation, is an MC and producer. Spear has released 11 studio albums, both as a solo artist and with the groups Lunar Heights and Potliquor, and has been featured on a host of songs over the past 20 years of his career. To see more about Spear of the Nation music, see www.spearofthenation.com.

Art by Mizan (Black Love & Black Life 2020)

What We Learned From Our Speakers

In a deep dive into visuals, sounds, words, and analogies, Mizan and Sizwe described their approach to moving through conflict to transformation. Many of their shared ideas centered on connection to self, connection to breath, finding your light and power to appropriately connect to others, and practice, practice, practice. 

Here are some highlights from our speakers on mending:

  • “My go-to tool to help build and repair – a deep breath. Come to the space centered, whole, and clear. The breath helps me clarify what is mine to hold and what is others to do.” – Mizan. 
  • “ It’s the three “I”s: 1. Internal – deal with what’s going on with me so when I step out to the Interpersonal relationship, I am functioning as my highest self. Then hopefully, we can build an Institution – a friendship, continuing family or co-worker relationship, whatever the institution – we are building something that will last. Those lifetime relationships are going to require a lot of mirror work. A lot of it has to do with how you fill yourself up with power.” – Sizwe.
  • “Being able to have a deep understanding, awareness, and acceptance of who you are. Then refine who are and decide that I want to step into my highest self and be a better human” – Mizan.
  • “How do I fill myself up with so much love and light? That it doesn’t matter what’s around me.” – Sizwe.
  • “We really need resources and space to practice. We need to move past theory. The more mistakes, the better you get.” -Sizwe.

Reflections from Session Participants

  • “It makes me wonder about the relationship between presence and belonging . . .  the inclusion of varying perspectives, beliefs, ideas, values. Is our work to make music of it? To find the places where harmony can occur and even when we cannot, we don’t discard any relationships or humans but transform our relationships to each other?” – Atia. 
  • “[I am] recommitted to a journey of creative healing and listening!” – Jonesey. 
  • “There is a good quote that Jallaluddin Rumi has shared with us: ‘The Wound is where the Light Enters you’”- Mehrangiz.
  • “Grateful to you, Mizan and Sizwe! Inspiring work and words.” Toni.